Antiques & Collectibles for Louise Dierking in Hanover, KS
9:00 AM, Saturday, August 1st, 2020
At the house, 404 S. Hollenberg Street, Hanover, Kansas
Toro electric snowblower; Clipper seed cleaner, Craftsman 10 in radial arm saw; Delta cutoff saw; Craftsman air compressor; scroll saw; lawn aerator; White, Singer sewing machines; Daisy air rifle; Union 2 gallon churn; Union 8 gallon crock; old radios; toy train; wooden boxes; small iron toys; dishes; China; kitchenware; nuts, bolts, screws, parts cabinets; lots of fabric, sewing tools, large office desk; stools; bentwood oak chairs; tables; cots; Disston handsaws; levels; planes; braces and bits; bench grinder; bottle capper; lanterns; hatchets; hammers; furniture clamps; squares; wrenches; coal scuttle; long handled tools; water cans; many other wood working tools, primitives, and antiques.
Many boxes are still unpacked. The Dierkings collected antiques, especially primitives, for many years. Lunch.
Terms: cash or good check. Announcements the day of auction take precedence over previous advertising.
Louise (Mrs. Bill) Dierking
Auction by Bott Realty & Auction
Washington, KS 66968