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480 acres Washington County, Kansas Land



480 acres Washington County, Kansas Land


12:00 Noon, Saturday, June 23, 2018.

At the farm, the home place at 1144 King Road, 1 ½ miles north of Diamond Center, northwest of Linn, Kansas.


The NW ¼, the N ½ SW ¼, and the W ½ NE ¼ 35-3-2, Coleman Township.

This farm, 320 acres, more or less, consists of approximately 182 acres gently to moderately sloping terraced cropland, 90 acres warm season grass pasture, 13 acres CRP, with the rest of the farm being waterways and excellent wildlife habitat. The cropland is mostly Crete soils with some Longford. The cropland is planted to soybeans and corn.  Bases and yields: 83 acres wheat, 44 bushels; 74 acres corn, 95 bushels; 82.5 acres soybeans, 41 bushels.  The 2017 taxes were $4,358.73.  The northwest corner of the farm is the intersection of 13th Road and Jade Road.



The S ½ SE ¼ 25-3-2, Coleman Township.

This farm, 80 acres, more or less, consists of approximately 40 acres gently to moderately sloping terraced cropland, with the rest of the farm being a mix of hay land, timber, and excellent wildlife habitat. The cropland is mostly Crete soils. The cropland is planted to soybeans.  Bases and yields:  18.5 acres wheat, 44 bushels; 16.5 acres corn, 95 bushels; 17.8 acres corn, 41 bushels.  The 2017 taxes were $806.50.  The southeast corner of the farm is the intersection of 13th Road and Liberty Road.



The W ½ SW ¼ 1-4-2, Strawberry Township.

This farm, 80 acres, more or less, is all grassland, nearly all warm season grass. Formerly, 55 acres was terraced cropland and has mostly recently been in the CRP.  The soils are a mix of Crete and Longford.  There is a very good, modern, 2 story, 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom home, 2 car garage, a good barn, and mature trees and shrubs. This is a very attractive, well located farmstead.  A new water well is being drilled and the water system is being updated.   The southwest corner of the farm is the intersection of 11th Road and King Road.  The 2017 taxes were $1,725.08 (est. 75 acres: $979.08 & 5 acre farmstead:  $746.00)

To see the house and farmstead, call for an appointment, or come to an Open House on Sunday afternoon, June 10th from 1:00-2:30, or on Sunday afternoon, June 17th from 1:00-2:30.

Tract 3 will be offered in 2 tracts, separately and together: the 5 acres with the farmstead and the 75 acres of grassland; and will be sold in the manner that brings the most money.


Terms: Ten percent down, the balance due in 30 days. Possession will be given at closing, subject to the tenants’ rights.  The Buyers will receive the cash rent for 2018.  Possession of the grassland on Tracts 1 and 3 will be given at closing.

The Estate of ANN E. UKENA

Starting at 10:00 AMAlso selling:  JD Tractor, Grasshopper Mower, Polaris Ranger, Gehl Skid Steer, Vehicles, Tools, Collectibles.

Auction by Raymond Bott Realty & Auction

Washington, KS   785-325-2734, 747-6888, or 747-8017

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